Issue #37: My Guide To Educating Yourself To Become Wealthy: Youtube

Video, Video, Video content is the way to go!

As we continue to grow and continue to be Loud, will always appreciate you for taking 5-10min of your day to read what I have to say, thank you!

This week I encourage you to find a couple of youtube channels and just subscribe, let the content occur and go along for the ride with an open mind.

How does one educate themselves to becoming truly wealthy?

Over the course of the next 5 issues I will breakdown how I use each of the following mediums:


Social Media




Now selfishly I will be plugging my own content in these sections but also will be highlighting whom I go to to learn and develop my skills/education to better my clients wealth journey. Let’s get started!

Youtube the “Great” frontier???

YouTube and video content can be a great way to educate yourself on a variety of topics. There are videos on everything from how to cook a meal to how to change a tire. And with so many different channels to choose from, you can find videos that are tailored to your interests and learning style.

One of the best things about YouTube is that it's free. You can watch as many videos as you want without having to pay a subscription fee. And because there are so many videos to choose from, you're sure to find something that interests you.

Another great thing about YouTube is that it's easy to use. You can search for videos by topic or keyword, and you can even watch videos on your phone or tablet. This makes it easy to learn on the go.

If you're looking for a way to educate yourself on a variety of topics, YouTube is a great option. With so many videos to choose from, you're sure to find something that interests you and that can help you learn.

Stoy…Who TF Do I Follow?

I want you to know that I follow a lot of people (75 to be precise)…. from Golf, Food (duh), Financial, War etc….I will focus this newsletter on just 4 that you should subscribe to. The reason for picking these 4 is, I have not highlighted them in the last two week’s and they need to be shown the light, as well as their channel’s are different yet extremely useful, especially when you combine them.

Side note… almost everyone that will be in this series of issue’s for social media, books etc… will have a youtube page or cross content to podcasts, etc…so just because I do not list them each time does not mean their content is not there.

I’ll just go top to bottom…literally no other reason.

First up is Cody Garrett, CFP® and his firm Measure Twice Planners! You want some transparency on what financial planning is or exactly how to understand your pay statement, homeowner’s insurance or tax return…he has a home calculator coming out as well!

My man Jayson Thornton, CFP® some of you may recognize him from our NoB$ Wealth Podcast…this guy is amazing. You ever here of the craziness of this industry, from infinite backing to PPP scamming, etc. JT takes time to highlight all the craziness and truly educate you on what is real and what to take of all of it!

This Surgeon has decided to take on the gauntlet of getting true financial education out to every and getting through all the BS that is out there. This channel is brand new and is growing like crazy! If you want a surgeons point of on all the financial jargon that is out there…this is your guy. Guess what he is not a financial advisor, he has no ties to us aside from calling out all of our industries BS and providing true thoughts.

Last but certainty not least is none other than Michael Gayed, CFA®. This man’s every day is tied to being a fund manager and learning/educating on the markets, strategies, investments, you name it! I learn a lot from this man and his network of WAY more intelligent people than I! This subscription is something you need if you want some blunt realization of the markets plus he brings in amazing guests constantly!

There you have it, a mix of 4 that are simply remarkable as well as from last weeks issue which in itself will bring you even more channels! Go subscribe to my friend’s channels!

Oh yeah and ours too!!

Next Week’s Issue

The wonderful land of podcasts, I will attempt to keep it short but there are soo many!

Hottest Tweet of the Week….

I promise this isn’t self-promotion on purpose, truly was the most engaged tweet of the week, with a close second being a retweet. So I included both.

#NoBSWealth Clip of The Week

Cannot wait until next week or just want more, check out our podcast @nobswealth and catch us on Youtube. You can always follow me on Instagram and Twitter as well! Or just email me, [email protected].

Most importantly come check out our Website and give us some feedback. Make sure to subscribe to this newsletter and if you are wanting time to chat with me 1on1 you can schedule that here!


or to participate.