- No B$ Money Mindset w/ Stoy Hall, CFP®
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- Issue #35: My Guide To Educating Yourself To Become Wealthy: Books
Issue #35: My Guide To Educating Yourself To Become Wealthy: Books
Self-education with money is necessary

As we continue to grow and continue to be Loud, will always appreciate you for taking 5-10min of your day to read what I have to say, thank you!
This week I encourage you to READ, RESEARCH and get a base understanding, then go hire a professional to delegate to!
How does one educate themselves to becoming truly wealthy?
Over the course of the next 5 issues I will breakdown how I use each of the following mediums:
Social Media
Now selfishly I will be plugging my own content in these sections but also will be highlighting whom I go to to learn and develop my skills/education to better my clients wealth journey. Let’s get started!
Books (btw I love hardback, call me traditional)
Well just look at the newsletter main image, these are the meat of my library that I reference constantly. I will not go into detail specifically on each book, although that may be a good series to throw in this newsletter, maybe monthly or quarterly? See great ideas just come to me. However I do want to highlight the different aspects of learning that is covered in this lineup of books.
Getting Your Mind Right Books:
First let’s start with the mental side of learning (remember, your abusive relationship with money starts with your money mindset), the books that align with this will be; Extreme Ownership by Jocko Wilink (Former Navy seal, now leadership speaker, if you don’t like war this may not be for you however it does drive home the importance of Ownership, this is key in all aspects of life, especially money), Mindset by Carol Dweck (title speaks for itself but after you understand Extreme Ownership, Mindset will start to shift your everyday life), follow these two up with Execution by Larry Bossidy & Ram Charan (this one is a must after you have spent all that time tearing yourself apart and rebuilding yourself, how do you execute the new found way, this is the book for that).
Alright, we hammered the mental side of the world pretty hard here, I will state that all of the books I read have a huge proponent tied to mentality, those three above were not money focused, the next will be both. Let’s start with Scarcity by Sendhil Mullainathan & Eldar Shafir (Speaking in generalities here but majority of us have a “Scarcity” mindset, which is GREAT in a survival situation but is abysmal in a “True Wealth” mindset), Never Chase A Paycheck Again by Robert Watkins (this how-to guide on how to move past your scarcity mindset into a wealthy one, takes you step by step to achieve financial freedom), Rewirement by Jamie Hokpins (Another book about behavior and mentality have shifted us to thinking retirement is at age 65/67, struggling on fixed income, this will change your thought process).
Black CFP® Books:
The next two books are to highlight two friends of mine and badass Black CFP®s, In the Meantime by Shehara L. Wooten, CFP® (not only will you get a unique perspective on your “financial freedom” process, with actionable steps you will get a history listen into how the Black Community has been fighting to generate wealth for many generations and the struggles that have occurred), Assess Address & Adjust by Dominique Henderson, CFP® (this amazing how-to guide on getting unstuck, which we all have been there and will be there, gives you a 30 day guide to get unstuck and to continue on your wealth journey).
Deep Deep Financial Books:
The last of my list are very granular in finance, I mean like way way deep, if you do not have a base knowledge of financial jargon, these will be tougher to get through, however are tremendous in understanding how money works around the world. First up is a book all should read and utilize like a financial bible if you will, A Random Walk Down Wall Street by Burton G. Malkiel (this guide teaches you the nitty gritty of why investing for the long-term is the way to go, it addresses crypto currency, the pandemic, and the strategy to achieving growth of money in your long-term bucket), The Self-Directed IRA Handbook by Mat Sorensen (as you may know, I nerd out over the use of self-directed IRAs and this handbook and Mat himself are what I spend time and resources on to learn from), The Family Office Book by Richard C. Wilson (As you know Black Mammoth strives to be a “modern” family office, this book dives into what it looks like, what it takes, and what a family office actually is), The Complete Family Office Handbook by Kirby Rosplock (another family office book, absolutely, this one hits different than the last one but gives amore of step by step guide of how to establish one or join one), Venture Deals by Brad Feld & Jason Mendelson (now this one is interesting, it goes into the art of venture capital deals, how they work, the fees, how to negotiate and how to vet them!)
There you have it the meat of my library that I get a lot of my education from. How do I read so much and research, well my day starts at 4:44 am, where I get up, get some water, do some stretching then I read every morning for about 45minutes, I do the same at night before bed time, this way I can ensure I have specific time for my brain to take in this information. I then utilize the rest of the day to implement the ideas, vet them out for my client base.
I will not assume you will buy these books or read them but I wanted to give you insight to what I am reading so you can start your wealth education journey or continue it with a different perspective. As you will learn from me, it’s like 90% mental and getting your mind right, the rest of it will fall in line if you have your plan, purpose and drive all lined up!
Next Week’s Issue
We will focus on social media! Woohoo, right? Well I will go through, some people to follow, what to stay away from and where you can find me!
Hottest Tweet of the Week….
Consider your financial goals and timeline when deciding between short-term and long-term investing. What works for someone else may not work for you.
— Stoy T Hall, CFP® (@Stoy_Hall)
9:27 PM • May 15, 2023
#NoBSWealth Clip of The Week
Cannot wait until next week or just want more, check out our podcast @nobswealth and catch us on Youtube. You can always follow me on Instagram and Twitter as well! Or just email me, [email protected].
Most importantly come check out our Website and give us some feedback. Make sure to subscribe to this newsletter and if you are wanting time to chat with me 1on1 you can schedule that here!
#Goonsquad Clip of The Week
If you are a sports nerd like me and want a pod to listen to or watch come check out our @nobsgoonsquad (podcast), here is the link to the show, we go live every Tuesday at 4:30pm CST!