Issue #31: Who Is Stoy Hall???

#31 on the Field, #1 in your Hearts

#31 on the field #1 in Your Hearts - Drake Bulldogs

As we continue to grow and continue to be Loud, will always appreciate you for taking 5-10min of your day to read what I have to say, thank you!

This week, you will get to know me better, as #31 is my collegiate #, made sure to highlight this issue.

Who TF Am I?

I am a Father

A Father to Lincoln (8) & Croix (6) two boys who are full of energy and have different personalities. Something no one ever tells you about fatherhood or parenthood for that matter, is you will see tendencies in your children that are your “flaws” For example, as an athlete I was talented but lacked the drive to condition correctly, however would give effort when necessary. Lincoln is the opposite he loves to run after practice but effort in practice lacks sometimes, I have learned to bite my tongue…PROMISE You this has been one of the toughest aspects of sports with kids.

“My childhood drives who I am as a father, I did not have my father in the picture much. I had a mother who worked her ass off working 12 hour shifts, sadly this led to her making poor choices and becoming an Alcoholic which took her life in 2021. I have seen Tragedy at a young age, I have seen racism in all forms, I have been woken up in the middle of the night (day before HS Football Game) by the police because they thought I was a suspect. I have been raised by more families than just my own, from the Wilkinson’s to Fleming’s and every one in between. These experiences in life shape who I am as a Father, I will do everything to pass on my lessons without putting my boys through the trauma I have gone through.”

I am a Husband

My wife Michelle has been through A LOT with me and boy do I mean a lot. However, we are both former athletes and never back down from a challenge. Yes, Marriage is a challenge, that can only be accomplished with teamwork no matter how ugly it may seem, band together to fight! We will be married for 11 years this June! Through separate colleges South Dakota (Michelle) and yours Truly going to Drake University, through my career changes (more on that later), through having two boys, we have done nothing but battle to get to where we are.

“Being a Husband was foreign to me, never knew what it truly meant. I just knew, when you fall in love, you propose, you get married, have kids and life is happily ever after. I did not have influences from my parents to showcase what marriage life is like and that it is a lifelong commitment to grinding and battling through life. You learn being a young black man with a stereotypical up bringing of the lack of Father and a struggling mother that, you can either go the gang route or you can get the hell out of that situation by any means possible.”

I care about others

Some may see this as a weakness (test me, promise you it is not) but I care more about others than myself, in most cases. Humanity is what matters, our duty as humans is to treat each other equally and raise us all up to be better and prosper. This mindset seems to be a dying one in our current world from kids getting shot for wrong addresses, to police be scared shitless to protect kids in school, to the War in Ukraine (Sorry Russia it is a War not an operation).

“After a few years of therapy and just talking to people that love me, come to realize that I bring people into my heart/family circle, rather quickly. I do this due to the lack of a solid family upbringing, so being raised by other families I recognized that anyone can be your family if you have that love that no matter what you will go to battle with them. This comes with many failures, people taking advantage of me, my staying in relationships of all kinds WAY WAY TOO Long, but you learn and become stronger.”

I am a Business Owner

Black Mammoth, yep that is the name of my firm. Black for being bold and in the “black”, Mammoth because during the prehistoric times Mammoths would lead ALL animals to watering holes, modern day spin is we lead ALL people to prosperity. Building wealth is not about how much Money you have, it is about figuring out who you are and what makes you happy. You can have 10k, 100k, 1 Trillion for all that matters but if you are not tuned into what makes you happy, traveling, family, giving back then Money will run your life and ruin your life all that the same time.

“I also have two other firms, Legacy Fiduciary Services and Kala Capital, all focused on building up others wealth. My purpose in life is to educate/lead others to prosperity. My path doing so has been a crazy one, but as of now I know the correct path. I have been through the insurance game, I have help firms grow, launched my own with a partner, now is time to hone all that in with my experiences and focus on the only thing that matters and that is giving my clients the best experience possible. That experience is having me be apart of their family knowing their every move in life and getting them ahead of it all, we all need a personal financial planner to advise on all aspects of our lives, that is apart of building true wealth.”

I am a Former Collegiate Athlete

Yours truly was a Linebacker for Drake University, yes the Bulldogs in the middle of Iowa. Des Moines to be precise. Our team won a conference championship, traveled from coast to coast, from the US to Africa, winning everywhere we would go. This family is spread across the US now but I am who I am because of those brothers I made from ‘07-’11.

“Being an athlete at a high level and then having it all end suddenly, causes trauma. I still have issues with not being able to finish my career due to a torn Achilles 2 weeks before season started. I also have issues from leaving that “family” after you graduate and your career is over. I make this analogy often, however this is not to correlate war and sports but those that have gone to battle in the military create an inseparable bond, we then see these warriors return from their service and all go their own ways. Then we see where mental health comes into play, that stems from the loss of their Brothers. Collegiate sports are no different in this area, obviously our war is different but the bonds that are built are truly on the family level and then are gone after 4 years…this trauma needs discussed further, imho. “

I am NOT a Politician

I am not a Republican, Democrat, etc. I am an independent who focuses on the greater good of Humanity. I also will never be a politician because both parties wouldn’t stand for me speaking against their policies. Have you noticed that our politicians really do not represent the “people” they are in it for themselves, ALL OF THEM. This is why “We the People” need to stand up to protect each other, regardless of what BS Bill is past, Humanity matters more than Money, Religion, Political Views, we matter, you matter.

I am NOT Perfect

I have many flaws… however the mistakes I make are in good nature, usually stem from over trusting someone or not fully being educated on that topic or issue. I learn from these flaws and become stronger. I ask all of you to do the same and when people fail you truly figure out if their failure was from the goodness of their hearts or are the just narcassits’.

“Will I ever be perfect? HELL NO, will I get better through every situation I face, HELL YES! As long as you focus on the greater good and doing what is best for others, I truly believe your life will be fulfilled. Will there be tough times, ALWAYS, will you get through it, ABSOLUTELY!”

This is Who Stoy Is…

As you have read above, I am just a humble man who wants everyone to be successful. That is me, truly, do I make mistakes ABSOULTELY! However, I just want people that come into my life to be taken care of and the best version of them to come out, so they can live happy lives. There are too many stresses in this world, too many selfish and narcisstic people that can bring negativity into your life. DO NOT LET IT, FIGHT AGAINST IT, I don’t care if it is your Mother, Husband/Wife, Best Friend, Business Partner, etc. Cut the fat out of your life and live how you want to!

If you want to know more about me, come chat, I am an open book, just remember I am here for you to prosper!

Hottest Tweet of the Week….

#NoBSWealth Clip of The Week

Cannot wait until next week or just want more, check out our podcast @nobswealth and catch us on Youtube. You can always follow me on Instagram and Twitter as well! Or just email me, [email protected].

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#Goonsquad Clip of The Week

If you are a sports nerd like me and want a pod to listen to or watch come check out our @nobsgoonsquad (podcast), here is the link to the show, we go live every Tuesday at 4:30pm CST!


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