Issue #14: Holiday Edition

Take This Time For You and Yours!

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa from my family to yours!

Last issue we spoke about getting prepped and laid out the 3 week plan for the end of the year. Well we are in week 2, the best week of them all!

It is important to understand that this is a process, so we break it down over three weekly themes, 1st week - Gather/Reflect, 2nd Week - Reflect/Relax/Enjoy Family, 3rd Week - Review/Plan Next Year.

Holiday Importance for #MoneyMindset

No surprise here, that Holidays are a time to reflect, relax and partake in family traditions. I do understand not everyone gets this or that everyone has "traditions" but this time is vitally important for your #moneymindset. You maybe asking, "Stoy, how is that possible I just dropped $$$$$$ for this season!"  

I'll answer it this way, you need to live in the moment with your family or even by yourself and focus on the traditions you have or start new ones. This "break" away from the chaos of life is beyond needed (same philosophy behind vacations). Your brain needs enjoyment and not to stress on the $$$ or all the BullS*** in life. So, that question is a negative #moneymindset to start with. I would press you to change that to a positive #moneymindset by stating "I have been able to provide this for my loved ones and I get to enjoy seeing their joy. I will deal with the stress of $$$ or my chaos later." That simple change in philosophy will relieve a lot of stress off of you, which is paramount for you going into next weeks issue when we dive into the end of year review and prep for the next year!

Don't believe me? Well here is an article Written by Michele L. Brennan, Psy. D

This will help your brain understand the importance of traditions around Holidays, whatever they maybe! Doesn't have to be "traditional" just needs to be something you enjoy doing and look forward to every year!

Our Family's Tradition

Some might deem ours more "Traditional", this is true. My wife grew up doing the "Traditional" Christmas, I did not! Ours was always on Christmas Eve, sometimes with family, sometimes week later and was sporadic, except we always ended up at my Grandparents at some point. So, we decided to give our boys some structure and not chaos.

Our Christmas celebration starts on Christmas Eve, where we spend all day baking cookies (Frosted Sugar (Michelle & Croix's Fave), Snickerdoodle and stuffed snickerdoodle with Cookie Butter (My fave) and brownies (Lincoln's request), listening to Christmas music, eating appetizers (this year we are doing; shrimp cocktail (Michelle's Fave), prosciutto wrapped asparagus, deviled strawberries, chicken teriyaki skewers and mini blooming onions). We will end the night with our favorite Christmas movie, if you don't agree then let me know what yours is. But the best and ultimate Christmas movie for Christmas eve is...... The Grinch (obviously the Jim Carrey version).

Christmas Day starts off with the boys going absolutely crazy, waking up at like 5 am to open presents, naturally! We dive into our stockings and presents, I of course have put sticky buns in the oven at this point for breakfast. The rest of the day is spent playing with new toys and playing in the snow (first year we have had some in a while and for those that don't know big ol' blizzard is hitting us today, this year will be awesome for sledding). In the meantime I am prepping our Christmas Dinner. Fairly straight forward this year but it will be Yeast Bread Rolls (literally cannot not have these), Crab cake stuffed Salmon (Boys request) and a Rib Roast (Smoked, of course, also injected with wagyu fat and a kerry gold butter rub on top).

So that is our Christmas celebration, we do it with just our family of 4 and will then do a bigger family celebration the next day. As you can see it is relatively traditional but our flair comes from the food, we change yearly! Duh because I am a foodie and now the boys are too!

Hope to hear some of your traditions! I will end with stay in the moment, be there, feel everything, we can deal with the chaos and stress later, you won't get this feeling with this holiday again because next year will be different!

#NoBSWealth Clip of The Week

Cannot wait until next week or just want more, check out our podcast @nobswealth and catch us on Youtube. You can always follow me on Instagram and Twitter as well! Or just email me, [email protected].

Most importantly come check out our Website and give us some feedback. Make sure to subscribe to this newsletter and if you are wanting time to chat with me 1on1 you can schedule that here or if you are wanting 2 hours a month with me, join our Beachside Chat Community, every 2nd and 4th Tuesday at 6pm CST!

#Goonsquad Clip of The Week

If you are a sports nerd like me and want a pod to listen to or watch come check out our @nobsgoonsquad (podcast), here is the link to the show, we go live every Tuesday at 4:30pm CST!


or to participate.