Issue #12: "I'm Comin"​ - Art of Leadership

"I'm Comin"​ - Art of Leadership

Issue #12: "I'm Comin"​ - Art of Leadership

Deion Sanders - Colorado HC

"I'm Comin" - Deion Sanders (New HC Colorado Buffs)

This man used two words (multiple but precise times) to lead one of the best damn speeches I have ever heard! "I'm Comin" was a warning, a promise, a dedication, a foresight, a chance to reflect, a #motivation tactic, #leadership, and #CHANGE. Simply put he could not have landed a better gut-punch, uplifting, blunt and honest speech to this group of young men. And I am personally all for it! If you have no clue what I am talking about, no worries, I got you.

Below you will find the #youtube of Primetime's speech. Take the time to watch the whole speech, PLEASE??? It will help you in leadership and probably change your perception on life well at least challenge it.

Let's focus on what Prime said and how he said it.

All Snippets Courtesy of Colorado Buffaloes Wire

"I’ve assembled some of the best scouts, some of the best kids that we’re recruiting, commitments already coming on the way as I speak. And now that I’ve gotten here and I see it and understand it, and I can grasp it, and I can touch it, I can feel it, I can taste it, I truly understand what you want. All you want is the opportunity to win, to compete, to dominate, to be amongst the elite, to be amongst the best and darn it, I’m going to give you that. We’re going to out-work them, we’re going to out-recruit them, we’re going to out-sout, we’re going to out-develop, we’re going to get our education, we’re going to graduate these young men. These young men are gonna be on campus, respectful and considerate and kind, open opening doors for you and making sure everything is copacetic. They gonna say ‘yes, sir, no sir; yes, ma’am, no ma’am,’ or they’re going to have to deal with me. That’s just the way I father, that’s the way I parent, that’s the way I coach; I’m old school. Sometimes I may look like an old fool, but I’m just old school."

Clearly he is talking to young men in the room but picture he is talking about you, your business, your employees, your family etc. He is saying he understands, them and he knows what to do it overcome and become elite. He drives him that it will take #HardWork, while focusing on being #respectful, #courteous, gentlemen that are going to graduate and in his words "old school". I absolute love this section, because we all need to be more respectful, courteous and overall #kind to each other. This does not mean you cannot out-work them, out-grind them and want to beat the brakes off of your #competition, this means in your everyday life "off the field" you need to be respectful, kind and courteous.

"Guys, after we get finished with this work, I just want you to know we’re on the way; not to compete, but to win; not to show up, but to show out; not to be among the rest, but to be the absolute best. We’re coming to work, we’re not coming to play; we’re coming to kill, not to kick it. Baby, I got to believe that we’re coming. You got to feel it in the energy inside of you that we’re coming, don’t you? You got to feel it that we’re going to be there. You got to feel it when you get in that stadium, you better get in there early because the time kickoff consumes, baby we’re coming. Do you understand that? Do you feel that? Do you understand the intensity, the excitement and the adrenaline and the rush that I got right now that I can’t wait until this thing kicks off because we are coming. Boulder, Colorado, you have no idea what you’re blessing me with, the opportunity that you’re giving me, and I feel like I owe you. So every day I’m going to work for you, I’m gonna strengthen for you, I’m gonna develop for you, I’m gonna commit for you, I’m going to do things that others wouldn’t do. Baby, we’re coming. So if anybody asks you something about ‘when is he coming back?’ You just say, ‘I don’t know, but I know he coming."

This is the meat of the speech, that about had me grabbing my cleats and seeing what this body has left in it! Then my brain kicked in and said, we are not doing that again, Cowboy. So I then changed that rush and thought process to business. It is clear as day the vision and drive that Prime exudes during this speech. Are you exuding that to your team, business, clients, children? If not, it's time to look within, otherwise you are just being mundane. Personally, this speech could not have come at a better time for me and my #mentalhealth, at a time where you need to step up and conquer, it's see a drive like this from someone that can snap you back into doing what needs to be done regardless of how you feel.

So with that I will leave you with this...

"I am getting after it, I am coming for you. You may think you are in a financial hole that you cannot get out of, believe that you can because I am coming to pull you out of that pile. I will be the absolute best for you and will drive everyday to ensure you can get your opportunity in life to lead others (family) to the promise land. I am coming for YOU because I OWE it to my family to be the man that supports them and I do it by the talent placed upon me to drive others to own their #moneymindset and take control of their own destiny."

#NoBSWealth Clip of The Week

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#Goonsquad Clip of The Week

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